About Pathfinder Systems
Woman and Veteran Owned
Pathfinder Systems, Inc. is proud to be a Woman-Owned, Veteran-Owned small business. Mrs. Sheila Jaszlics has been our CEO since 1993. Read her biography here.
SBIR-Derived Technologies

Most of our technologies, including all of our simulator technologies, are based on Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) projects. The competition for SBIR Phase I and Phase II awards satisfies the competition requirements of the Armed Services Procurement Act, the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, and the Competition in Contracting Act.
Our Values
Pathfinder Systems, Inc. is a small business recognized for proven performance at the leading edge of systems engineering, software engineering, innovation, research and development.
We understand that the ultimate measure of quality is customer satisfaction. Our technical performance has been consistently rated outstanding by our customers. Every contract is fulfilled with exceptional quality, on schedule and at or below the contracted cost. We will meet or exceed your performance goals.
Our customers appreciate that we are innovative, productive and that we understand their needs. We strive to ensure our understanding of all aspects of the customer’s world. We respond to stated requirements but also explore the reasons behind the details of the requirements.
Pathfinder Systems is an established company, ready to help you meet your goals. We have served the advanced research and development efforts of the U.S. government, many of its prime contractors, and allied governments since 1985. Focused on your organization’s needs, we can develop and provide solutions for the seamless interoperation and integration of your complex system requirements.
Our accounting system is approved and regularly reviewed by the Defense Contract Audit Agency. By providing on-time, on-cost, well-managed and technically superior performance, we give you the best value for your contract or subcontract dollars.
Our government customers include: Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, Special Operations Forces, Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command, National Park Service, U.S. Army/PEO STRI, U.S. Army RDECOM, U.S. Army TACOM, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Netherlands Ministry of Defence and others.
Our customers and contractors in the industry include: Aechelon Technology, Inc., Scaleable Display Technologies, Wisdom Rides, Inc., Ellis & Watts Global Industries, LLC., Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Hughes Training, CSC, SAIC, Northrop-Grumman, Computing Devices International, Logicon, Teledyne Continental, Litton Guidance & Control, Sandia National Laboratories, Delex Systems, Inc. and many others.
Pathfinder Systems is ISO 9001 certified to meet the quality standards required for some of our contracts.