Virtual and Mixed Reality Pilot Trainer
Pilot Trainer
Pathfinder's HMD trainer provides flight deck familiarization, checklist and flow training. When new pilots know specific airlines’ procedures, their training is much more effective. Pathfinder’s VR headsets simulate the actual cockpit environment. Real time hand and eye tracking within an interactive cockpit allows for a 3D spatially correct experience. Instructor avatars in the captain or FO seat provide airline specific instruction.
Step 1
Airline pilots (new hires and upgrades or fleet changes) receive VR headsets delivered to their home.
Step 2
Pilots are trained on airline-specific checklist, flows and system knowledge for their aircraft. This can all be done outside the classroom as no computer or other device is needed to operate the virtual reality headset.
Step 3
Pilots bring their VR headset to class to use as an additional training aid.
Step 4
The headsets are collected upon graduation where any updates or training procedure changes are installed and they are cleaned and delivered to the next set of students.
New hires, confident in their flows, checklist and switch positions, will have fewer setbacks during training. More pilots can be trained, especially at airlines with multiple fleets, as pilots in the seniority system bid into and require transition.